Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Dragon Warrior 1 - Comparing Versions

As part of a hobby project, I'm looking at the history of console RPG games. 

This is Dragon Quest I (known as Dragon Warrior in the US). It wasn't as popular as Final Fantasy in the west, despite releasing more of the series in English than FF did in the 80s and 90s. However, in Japan, DQ dominates the genre and actually inspired basically every other console RPG that came after it, including the whole FF series.

I hope that in 2015, I can put some time into both the DQ series and the FF series, and look at how they evolved and influenced each other, as well as tons of other successful console RPG series, up through the PS2 era.

Anyways, these screenshots are off the NES, SNES, Gameboy Color, and iOS versions, respectively. I find it interesting how the layout and graphical tweaks carry over from iteration to iteration.



Gameboy Color


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