Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Dragonlord - Final Boss of Dragon Warrior

Time to fight the big boss: The fabled Dragon Lord. 

All that money and nothing left to spend it on...

Level 20 is the minimum level at which one can stand a chance, since you need the HEALMORE spell to keep from getting killed pretty quickly.

His castle (Charlock) is also a bitch. It's a multi-floor maze with a lot of dead ends and it is filled with tough monsters designed to make you waste your precious magic points (and you need those to cast HEALMORE like noted above).

If you have Erdrick's Armor, you can heal just by walking around, but there's no way to restore MP once you're inside. Basically, I had to figure out how to reach him once I found Erdrick's Sword inside.

Then I had to teleport out, rest up to restore my points, then re-enter and make a beeline to his throne room and flee from every monster I encountered to preserve MP. Now I finally made it here without wasting any.


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