Friday, January 9, 2015

Mid-game Twist - Saving the Princess in Dragon Warrior

Originally posted Christmas Day 2014

Killed the green dragon in the swamp cave and rescued Princess Gwaelyn (whose kidnapping is the quest that King Lorik sends you on at the very beginning of the game). 

Limited inventory slots, but apparently I can carry this chick for miles...

Brought her home to Tantagel Castle (using the "Outside" spell I learned at level 12 to teleport out of the cave, and then teleporting to the castle using a pair of Wyvern Wings I got out of a treasure chest in the town of Rimuldar, using a magic key I bought from the hidden locksmith who lives there)...

...only to discover one of the earliest "twists" in console RPG plots - the Dragon LORD still lives and is sending his monster armies out into the world. Saving the princess is only the halfway point.

But she totally loves me now (which shows my position on the world map screen), so I have that going for me.

Next, were going to Garinham to unlock some magic doors now that I bought a bunch of magic keys.

Regrets: forgetting to take a pic of the Green Dragon before I cast Sleep and put him to permanently to sleep with the broadsword I bought in Rimuldar (along with some magic armor that heals me while I walk).

Nostalgia: When I first played the game ages ago, I didn't realize that you could pass through the cave without facing the dragon for some reason, and I spent forever fighting weak monsters near Kol trying to level up. It was a hard fight that took me a lot of tries.

However, if you just avoid the dragon, go to Rimuldar first, and level up and get better equipment there, he's not too hard at all when you come back through.

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